Wednesday, July 1, 2009


When the third child was about 3 month old I knew it was time I got back to work. It was now fall and winter coming soon. The house was on a pier & beam foundation about two & one half feet off the ground. If this was not closed in it would be colder in the winter. The house has pink siding, red brick around the bottom would look good. So off to the lumber yard I went. Ordered brick and mortar mix. Was delivered that afternoon. I was told by my husband that I did not know how to lay brick. It didn't worry me because I had looked at some brick houses to see how it was done. Just a little over a week and I had bricked all around the house. That would stop the cold air. We needed a front porch and steps. I made a foundation with brick 2 1/2 feet tall then same thing for steps. After waiting almost a week to make sure the mortar was set, I filled the porch and steps with rocks and dirt. I left about four inches at top for cement. Back to the lumber yard for cement mix. This was much harder than it looked to be. Getting it smooth on the top was not easy, but I finally finished before bad winter set in. I just wish "Miss can do it" could do things she wants to now!


  1. You can still do lots of cool make killer waffles! :)

  2. You sound like me. If I want it and have the money, I would do it myself. Sometimes Hubby will step in and help. I refuse to call and pay someone for something I am capable of doing.


Thanks for listening. I would love to hear your ideas too!