Wednesday, August 19, 2009


School was out the second week of June and it was time to go to the city.
Husband (#2) had a job and was waiting for us to arrive.
I start loading the car. The back floor was stuffed to seat level, then blankets, sheets and such. A A baby bed mattress was on top of that up til all was level with the back seat.
On top of the car was the a baby bed, ironing board and baby high chair.
The trunk was stuffed full and my mother was shoving canned foods any place she could find. Finally the car was loaded with four children (10 months, 4, 7, 10) and myself.
My oldest son was on vacation with his grandparents and joined us later.
This was way before car seats were required.
The car did not have a/c so I put a window a/c in the front passenger window.
This is a water cooler for a car.
You put water in the bottom and as you drive the air coming thru is cooled.
Instead of water I put a bag of ice which helped a lots.
Four children and I had a very long trip to make (about 9 hours).
When the ice would all melt we would stop and get more.
This was in the same car I had replaced the water pump on.
I had no trouble with it. (ha ha)
Finally we arrived in the big city.
My children had never been to a big city and I was not sure of their safety.
This was really a big adjustment for all of us.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Grease Monkey, I Don't Want To Be

Here I am again with memories.

After divorcing my first husband (his drinking just became to much) I finally remarried.

stupid oil filter.Image by kendrak via Flickr

We were in business for ourselves and lived in Billy Sol Estes country.
As so many people did at that time we had to close up shop and go else where.
Husband #2 went to the city for work while I stayed at home waiting for school to be out for the kids.
Then my car broke down .
I found out it was the water pump so I call a good friend who was a mechanic.
I asked him to go get me a water pump (he could get it at a discount).
One morning I started, pulled the fan and then the water pump.
Then I put the new one on and replaced the fan .
Next I put water in the radiator and checked for leaks.
Sure 'nuff had one so I went back and tighten all the bolts up better, surprise no leaks.
Was finished by lunch time.
My mother had lunch fixed, by the way she was watching the children for me.
If not it may have taken me several days to finish.
When husband #2 found out I had replaced the water pump he was sure the car would never work again.
It lasted a long time and we never had to replace the water pump again.
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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting Old Is No Fun

Elderly People signImage by bensons via Flickr

I am so thankful I have done so many things when I was young.
I can't seem to do anything now days.
I lose things that I know where I put them and then they are not there.
Five days ago, I cleaned out all seven drawers of my desk
looking for a new cell phone I had put up.
Did not find it but I found six new refillable lighters (yes I smoke).
Took one out to use, did not remove the other five.
I gave mine to a friend today so went to get another and they were no where to be found.
Emptied all seven drawers again to no avail.
Just because I am older than dirt would someone please tell I am not loosing my mind.
Love My 2 Dogs was asking if I was alright, Yes I am fine I think.
Not sick as far as I can tell.
But I so think someone is messing with my mind.
It may be that it is just gone.
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